Seminar: Variant and complexity management

  • 4. Dezember 2025
  • Manfred-Weck-Haus, Steinbachstraße 19, 52074 Aachen
  • 795,00 EUR

Companies in the manufacturing industry are currently facing increasing complexity and a growing number of variants. As complexity increases, so do overall costs, while profitability suffers. The aim of many companies is therefore to reduce complexity and save costs through targeted variant management. In this seminar, you will learn the basics of variant and complexity management. You will also learn how complexity cost accounting can help you evaluate variants and variant decisions.

Further information

Registration ICS calendar entry 

RegistrationICS calendar entry


TimeProgramme item
09:00Begrüßung und Kennenlernen
09:30Grundlagen des Komplexitäts- und Variantenmanagements​
10:15Pause & Networking
10:30Workshop I: Komplexität in Ihrem Unternehmen - Aufnahme des Status-quo
11:15Ganzheitliches und strategisches Variantenmanagement​
12:00Gemeinsames Mittagessen
13:00Analyse der Komplexität im variantenreichen Portfolio
14:00Kosteneffekte durch Variantenvielfalt
14:45Pause & Networking
15:00Phase-out von Varianten
15:30Workshop II: Identifikation von Auswirkungen der Komplexität
16:15Praxisbeispiele aus der Industrie
16:45Wrap-up: "What-to-do-on-Monday"

Event description

With the help of successful variant and complexity management, you will be able to offer your customers a large number of differentiated product variants without the internal component diversity getting out of hand. We will teach you the basics and fundamental strategies of complexity management and give you an insight into how to manage variant diversity with the help of feature and variant trees. A key issue here is often the economic consideration of individual variants. For this reason, you will get to know complexity cost accounting as a method for cost allocation and variant assessment based on causation. In particular, the consideration of overhead costs via overhead costing no longer does justice to the complexity of today's product portfolios, so that prices of exotic variants are often not cost-covering and have to be cross-subsidized via price surcharges for standard variants. Numerous practical examples and workshops support the learning of the methodical approach.

By attending the seminar you will learn...:

  • ... the basics of complexity theory
  • ... the analysis of market and customer requirements for variant diversity
  • ... the analysis of existing complexity in terms of part diversity
  • ... the procedure for identifying variance-induced processes
  • ... the procedure for complexity cost accounting
  • ... the structure of a calculation logic for analyzing complexity costs
  • ... know many practical examples from industry



Topic areas

  • Complexity management
  • Cost drivers
  • Cost accounting based on causation
  • Process costs
  • Complexity cost analysis
  • Variety of variants
  • Variant management
  • Product variants
  • Component variants

Target group

Your contact

Carsten Boßmann, M.Sc.

Tel.: +49 241 475719 100
Mobil: +49 151 43154355

Focus Group Mechanical & plant engineering


  • Consultancy project for a manufacturer of household appliances to analyse complexity in the assembly process
  • Consultancy project to determine complexity costs in the mechanical and plant engineering sector
  • Supervision of industry working groups and organisation of expert meetings in the field of complexity management
  • Organisation and execution of a study in the manufacturing industry on complexity management

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