The 10th Complexity Management Congress will take place on 12 and 13 November 2024 in Aachen! Information on participation as well as further updates on the congress can be found continuously on our homepage.
We are convinced that innovative and groundbreaking solutions in complexity management can only be developed through exchange and cooperation in a strong network. For this reason, we have created the Complexity Management Congress, which is already taking place for the ninth time this year. This unique and very successful platform offers participants the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with experts from industry and research.
Auf unserem diesjährigen Complexity Management Congress erwarten wir wieder zahlreiche Speaker aus der Industrie und Wissenschaft. In spannenden Vorträge und Fallstudien werden unsere Speaker Ihnen Best Practices, Herausforderungen sowie Methoden und Tools rund um die aktuellen Themen des Komplexitätsmanagements vorstellen. Wir freuen uns Ihnen in den kommenden Wochen die Speaker für den Complexity Management Congress 2024 präsentieren zu dürfen.
Julia Kummer, B. Sc.
Tel.: +49 241 475719 100