Which methods are relevant for the development of sustainable products? How can digitalisation help to reduce the ecological footprint? What roles and competences are required for sustainability-orientated innovation management? How can sustainability be anchored in the corporate culture? These are exemplary questions from the manufacturing industry that need to be addressed by sustainability-orientated innovation management. Its targeted implementation promises lasting competitive advantages and is now on the strategic agenda of many companies. However, one key aspect is often overlooked: Sustainability and profitability are not opposites. Sustainability means saving resources, eliminating costs for emission certificates, generating long-term customer and supplier loyalty and therefore has great economic potential.
Der Ordnungsrahmen der Fokusgruppe Sustainable Innovation
Der Ordnungsrahmen der Fokusgruppe Sustainable Innovation
Sven Schümmelfeder, M.Sc.
Tel.: +49 241 475719 100
Mobil: +49 151 23335236