How can development processes be digitally integrated? What degree of digitization of product development is efficient? What are the potentials and possible applications for the digital twin in development? More than ever, these are central questions in the product development of manufacturing companies. An up-to-date and holistic understanding of digital consistency in product development is therefore of major importance for the success of strategic decisions. Especially in the age of increasing digitization of products and processes, promising potentials but also challenges arise.
Therefore, we, the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University and the Complexity Management Academy, in cooperation with an industry consortium, identified successful and proven best practices for the end-to-end continuity of product development.
Further information Invidual benchmarking
Further informationInvidual benchmarking
Gereon C. Bönsch, M.Sc.
Tel.: +49 241 475719 100
Mobil: +49 15146774073